Participants Information

Travel Forms Due March 18, 2022.

All documents must be submitted by March 18th at 5 pm.

The safety of our community is of critical importance during this time. Please review COVID-19 Protocols and sign the disclaimer. Click "COVID-19 Protocols" to complete the disclaimer.

Click "Bios and Projects" above to enter your bio and headshot. The title should be your name. The bio (250-word max) should begin with your institution and email address and include two paragraphs 1) a brief description of yourself and 2) your writing project.

Sign-up for Padlet using the email from your application. The free account is sufficient for our purposes. Enter the text directly into the post. Do not upload the bio as a document (pdf, word, etc.). A sample format is on the Padlet site.

Click "Confirmation Form" above to confirm your participation and personal information. If the information has not changed, simply enter the information submitted on the application form (sent as a pdf attachment by email).

We strive to create a safe space at the workshop where ideas can be freely shared. Click "Confidentiality Agreement and Code of Conduct" above to sign the confidentiality and code of conduct statements.

Click "Travel Information" above to complete the travel form, schedule flight, and view lodging.

*If driving, do not forget to record mileage to and from destination.

Participants' Introductions

Participants will have 2 - 3 minutes to introduce themselves and describe their writing projects. Slides are not required.